The Reality of Project 2025: Its Plans and Consequences

Last summer, we offered a presentation called “What is Project 2025 and Why Should You Care?” We certainly hoped for a better outcome in November that would have allowed us to kick that project to the curb! Sadly, it is our reality now. As the flurry of executive orders are coming out daily, it’s clear that the right-wing plans are about to hit the fan. Remember hearing about "Impoundment Power" and "Unitary Executive Theory"? These are the very maneuvers we described that would be used to freeze all these federal programs, just like we're seeing today.

We have prepared a new handout for you to read and share as you see fit. It offers a short description of some plans and consequences, along with page numbers so you can see it for yourself. Use this link to view the digital document, Project 2025's "Mandate for Leadership". This is a massive project and we cannot possibly cover it all. If we, as a group, can choose a few items to focus on, we can be more effective and less overwhelmed. We don’t want to play a never-ending game of whack-a-mole! So if you have specific content you’d like to see explained, or ideas on what to prioritize over the coming months, please email Karen at