Who We Are
Indivisible is a grassroots progressive action group established shortly after the 2016 presidential election, and serves as a platform for hosting demonstrations, voting participation, and pushing for a more progressive and inclusive country.
Our Mission
Indivisible Guilford County, NC seeks to preserve and promote the values and principles of our democratic republic for the common good. We actively support policies and candidates that improve an inclusive and democratic society, and we oppose those that would undermine it via authoritarianism, corruption, racism, or voter suppression.
We are a volunteer-driven, grassroots community of citizens from diverse backgrounds who follow these guiding principles:
That which unites us is stronger than those who would divide us.
Each of us bears a social, moral, ethical, and political responsibility to ensure equitable treatment of all, including opportunities for jobs, education, healthcare, and security.
We have a moral duty to leave a better world to future generations.
Our Actions
Indivisible Guilford County promotes this agenda by taking actions to:
Increase voter engagement and participation.
Oppose voter suppression measures.
Educate the public to take action in an informed manner, and combat misinformation.
Ensure that our elected officials at all levels of government are answerable to the people and not beholden to special interests.
Identify and support candidates who share our guiding principles.
Each chapter of the national Indivisible organization determines its own policies, agendas, and organizational structure. Indivisible Guilford County, NC is an active group of individuals united by a shared belief in government that serves the common good.