What You Can Do Interested in helping Indivisible GCO but not sure how? Check out some of the activities below and see what fits your interests and schedule best! If you’re interested in these activities or have other ideas to help Indivisible GCO, send us an email at IndivisibleGCO@gmail.com Write At home, postcards, letters to the editor. Call and Text At home, campaigns to voters and legislators, Social Media Contribution Create posts for our social media channels and join our Tweet Team! Participate in-person or virtually Whether its marching in one of our rallies or hosting a virtual educational session, there are many ways to get involved in-person and virtually. Speak publicly Let your voice be heard, join us as we speak to local and state governments, and at our rallies! Join a working group Participate in working sessions on subjects that we are very passionate about! Other ways to get involved We always need help with tasks that can be done at home and at your convenience. This might include putting together packets of materials for canvassing, sorting materials to be mailed, newsletter support, stamping material for mailing, and others.