NC Needs Fair Redistricting

**Image courtesy of Democracy NC

By: Tara Blomquist

North Carolina Republicans in Raleigh are once again planning to divide up the state like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The GOP got the majority back after a hundred plus years of constant Democratic rule…. They are drunk with power. That is all they care about. The people of this state are not pawns to be shuffled from district to district for political gain. But we must remind them, they were elected to work for us. We need to remind them of that and loudly.

The Republicans consider themselves the party of law and order, yet they have no problem violating the state constitution by Gerrymandering the political district maps mid-cycle to gain even more political power. Now that they have a supermajority and control the NC courts, they feel free to change the maps at will. How much power do they want? If one party has so much power we no longer have a Democratic form of government.

When challenged the reply is always… the Democrats did it first….while that may be true, it is now a more precise electronic scalpel they are carving us up with. When will people of noble character step up and create a citizen commission that will fairly represent the citizens of North Carolina?

If you say you love this country… and you have the power…this is the path to change. Call your state representative now.

Originally published in the High Point Enterprise on April 15th:


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