The GOP Defined

By. Kathy Wheeler

What is the Republican Party in North Carolina? A friend describes them this way: all they want to do is hurt people and give corporations money. Given the NC Supreme Court decision recently to block education funds, I am a firm believer in that definition. They don’t adequately support life essentials for us, like education, healthcare, voting rights, equality for all, our constitution, and the environment. Recent examples include the fact that it took them years to even negotiate for Medicaid Expansion. I appreciate that it happened, but it may be delayed if Republicans decide to tie it to the budget. They captured the majority in the state supreme court in November and have shown several times that they aren’t afraid to use it for self-centered goals (for example, rehearing settled cases on gerrymandering and voter id, and the latest block on education funding).

They may try to tout accomplishments, but if you look behind the curtain at the facts, you’ll see the ugliness of greed and love of power. These have hurt North Carolinians and helped corporations and benefactors that support the GOP. To get a better life in North Carolina, we need to vote out Republicans.

Note: This was published first in the Greensboro News and Record (


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